Collection definitions in root directory
autopublish package exists: data can be seen and updated;
Remove autopublish package: data can't be seen;
Add publish method in server js file, and subscribe methods in client js file: data can be seen and updated;
# in server: Meteor.publish('mallData', function(){ return Mall.find(); }); # in client: Meteor.subscribe('mallData');
Remove insecure package: data can be seen, but can't be updated;
Add an allow rule in js file in root directory: only "status" field can be updated.
Mall.allow({ update: function(userId, doc, fieldNames, modifier){ if ((fieldNames.length === 1) && (fieldNames[0] === 'status')){ return true; } } });
Meanwhile inserting and remvoing operations will be denied by the server.
METEOR SECURITY 101 by Josh Owens.