bitstring is the bit sequence literals in Erlang. It's powerful and convenient due to the Erlang's telecom background.
Now we have a bit sequence "0110 0101 1000 1111 1010 0010", whose corresponding hex literal is: "0x65 0x8f 0xa2". To express it with Erlang:
1> Bin = <<16#65, 16#8f, 16#a2>>.
Every segment divided by comma is called a "segment", it's default size is 8.
But we want divide this sequence in this way: "011 0010 1100 011 1110 10 0010", which can be expressed as "<
2> Bin2 = <<3:3, 2:4, 16#c:4, 3:3, 16#e:4, 2:2, 2:4>>.
So that's why
3> <<3, 17, 23:16>>.
4> <<3, 17, 3323:16>>.
The third segment "
0 * 256 + 23 = 23
12 * 256 + 251 = 3323
That's it.