The configuration section is at the head of a org file(files with extension "org"):
#+STARTUP: overview
#+TAGS: { desktop(d) server } editor browser multimedia zip
#+TAGS: { Windows Linux }
#+TAGS: { bad ordinary good excellent }
* Work
** Emacs
editor for god
*** DONE org-mode
organize your ideas
** vim
editor of god
** EmEditor
* Entertainment
** Mplayer
All-done player
* Network
** Firefox
** IE
* Other
** todo WinRAR
Or you can define global tags in ~/.emacs;
Press "C-c C-c" to load local configuration when cursor is add configuration section;
Press "C-c C-c" to add tags for the task item under the cursor;
"overview" means only shows the first level title;
The blank between "{", "}" and the tags is mandatory;
The shortcut definition in the parenthesis "(d)" is mandatory, or there will be no shortcuts list when you add tags for a item(press "C-c C-c");
Tags in the curved brackets are mutually exclusive;
"!" means add starting time stamp;
"@" means add comments;
Items after "|" means completed, so a time stamp will be added to mark things done;
Note: You have to modify default shortcuts of translating word in clipboard of GoldenDict to C-c C-0 to avoid conflict with Emacs org-mode;
Ref: 第32章 组织你的意念