Linux Mint 64bit
Today I tried Dart official tutorial Avast, Ye Pirates: Write a Web App. When I run dartium in "Step 1: Run the skeleton app", I met the following errors:
Could not launch browser - process terminated while trying to connect. Try closing and running Dartium instances.: Dartium stdout: /home/xxx/Apps/dart/chromium/chrome:error while loading share libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
The official solution PreparingYourMachine on dart wiki is somewhat complicated. For I've installed Chrome, there is a simple way to resolve this problem:
sudo ln -s /opt/google/chrome/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
Verified on Linux Mint 17 x86_64.
I met a "404 not found" error when install libudev-dev with aptitude.
To install chrome, download google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb from Chrome official website.
Download Dart complete bundle ( onDart website.
Extract it, and start dart editor with ./DartEditor.
However, when running a dart project with "Run in dartium" context menu, an " no exist" error raises.
So we have to install dart sdk to provide this library file: sudo pacman -S dart
You can also install dart-editor and dartium from AUR:
yaourt -S dart-editor dartium-bin
But it's very slow.