Create VPS
First build a vps on DigitalOcean, and name it "MeteorUpEx". Get its IP address "" at the home page of the droplet. Get its root password in you email. Add the following section into ~/.ssh/config:
Host do
User root
Add ssh auto login with ssh-copy-id do
Publish Meteor App
Install Meteor Up with npm install -g mup
Create a mup project:
cd ~/docs/tmp
mkdir nfDeploy
cd nfDeploy
mup init
Now you can see a mup.json file, edit it as follows:
"servers": [
"host": "",
"username": "root",
"pem": "~/.ssh/id_rsa"
"setupMongo": true,
"setupNode": true,
"nodeVersion": "0.10.36",
"setupPhantom": true,
"appName": "newfairs",
"app": "/home/chad/docs/tmp/newfairs/newfairsweb",
"env": {
"PORT": 80,
"ROOT_URL": ""
"deployCheckWaitTime": 15
Note that the "appName" is also the database name used by Meteor app in mongoDB. "app" is the path of your Meteor app source code folder on your local computer. mup will bundle codes in it, and publish them to host on vps.
You can only use key authentication. If you use password, an "sshpass required for password based authentication" error occurs.
Setup production environment: mup setup
Delpoy app: mup deploy
If you use external mongodb, add "MONGO_URL" into "env" section of mup.json. For example:
"MONGO_URL": "mongodb://"
After changing the mongo url, run mup reconfig
to validate the new config and restart the Meteor app.
Import Data
First dump data from database "meteor" in source mongoDB server to local machine:
mongodump -h -d meteor -o mynf
scp -r mynf do:~/
ssh do
cd mynf
mongorestore -d newfairs meteor
Now verify data in mongoDB of the vps with mongo newfairs