Windows Console
add erl.exe and vim.exe to %PATH%;
start ConEmu, split window vertically (see note " Multiple terminals operation on Windows and Ubuntu " for spliting window detail);
start erlang shell with
at left andvim erlSrc.erl
at the right window;
Ubuntu Console
start Terminator and split window;
at left andvi erlSrc.erl
at right;
IDE based on Sublime Text 2
Use package control install two package: SublimErl and SublimeREPL.
Run erlang REPL: Sublime Text Menu / Tools / SublimeREPL / Erlang. If you got a error message, it's most probably caused by not adding werl.exe in $PATH. So Sublime Text Menu / Preferences / Package Settings / SublimeREPL / Settings-User, add { "default_extend_env": {"PATH": "{PATH};C:/Program Files/erl5.10/bin"} }
alt+shift+2(shortcut in View / Layout): split window with 2 column;
key shortcuts defs in sublime text 2: