HBase can be seen as a key-value database with structure: rowkey -> column family -> column (qualifier) -> value
HBase shell
Hbase shell is a DSL of JRuby. Start it with hbase shell
list_namespace_tables 'default' # show all tables in namespace 'default'
help 'list'
list # display all the tables in HBase
desc 'SN' # show column families of table 'SN'
count 'SN'
scan 'SN', {COLUMNS => '201905', LIMIT => 3} # list the first row of column family '201905'
scan 'SN', {COLUMNS => '201905:0568242218'} # list all cells of column '201905:0568242218' (in all rows)
scan 'SN', {COLUMNS => '201905:0568242218', LIMIT => 3} # list only first 3 cells in above results
get 'SN', '201905', {LIMIT => 5}
get 'SN', {COLUMNS => '201905', LIMIT => 5}
create 't2', {NAME => 'fa'}, {NAME => 'fb'} # create a new table with 2 column families 'fa' and 'fb'
create 'wlwqx', '201901', '201902', '201903' # create a table 'wlwqx' with 3 column families
alter 't2', NAME => 'fc' # add a new column family 'fc'
alter 't2', 'delete' => 'fa' # delete column family 'fc'
put 't2', 'row3', 'fc:kk', 33 # add a cell with value 33
scan 't2'
# you must disable a table before delete it
disable 't2'
drop 't2'
# you can delete multiple tables with regex
# the parameter of the following commands use regex syntax instead of shell wildcard
# so the dot is mandatory
disable_all 't.*'
drop_all 't.*'
Note: In a Ruby method call, you should omit the parentheses when the last parameter is a hash, which is equivalent to dict in Python.
Convert timestamp to datetime
Convert a timestamp 1557935890060
in a HBase cell to normal datetime with:
>>> import time
>>> time.ctime(1557935890060/1000)
'Wed May 15 23:58:10 2019'
Run Script
Only run a script:
cat << EOF > get_info
list_namespace_tables 'default'
desc 'SN'
hbase shell get_info
Save output to a file:
hbase shell <<< "scan 'SN', {COLUMNS => '201905'}" > sn201905.txt
or run multi-line script:
hbase shell << EOF > res.txt
> list_namespace_tables 'default'
> desc 'SN'
Export Data to CSV file
Export table 111 in CDH HBase on host 220:
cd /opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH-5.15.1-1.cdh5.15.1.p0.4/lib/hbase
hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce.Export 111 dump111
hadoop fs -ls ./dump111
hadoop fs -cat dump111/part-m-00000
Dump and Restore
$ hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce.Export wlwqx /tmp/out
$ hadoop fs -ls /tmp/out # verify the dumped files
$ hbase shell
> create 'newwl2', '201901'
> exit
$ hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce.Import newwl2 /tmp/out2
$ hadoop fs -get /tmp/out .
The first parameter of
command (newwl2
in this case) must already exist, and has the same column family with the origin table (newwl
in this case); -
The 2nd parameter of
command (/tmp/out2
in this case) is a folder on HDFS, not in local FS; -
command dumps hbase table into HDFS, you need download them to local FS to backup.