From CSV File
Here I use mongoDB's mongoimport tool to import csv file into Meteor app's Mongodb.
First download mongodb package (mongodb-linux-x86_64-2.6.5.tgz) from mongoDB, extract it into ~/apps folder.
Next start the Meteor app. Open a new terminal window, in project root folder, run meteor mongo
You can see something like "connecting to:".
This tells us database server is listening on port 3001, and database name is "meteor".
Save the following codes into app's $HOME/private folder as
mongoimport -h localhost:3001 --db meteor --collection fairs --type csv --file fairs.csv --headerline
Here "-d" equals to "--db", "-c" equals to "--collection". And the source csv file is saved in file private/fairs.csv.
It's headerline (first line of csv file) is also comma-seperated:
Name, Age, Job
Bob, 35, Cooker
Tom, 28, Coder
Now in the Meteor app, add Fairs = new Meteor.Collection("fairs");
into js file to use the data.
From JSON File
Json Lint
Validate the json file with jsonlint.
You need install node.js, then install jsonlint with npm install jsonlint -g
Next check the json file with jsonlint myfile.json
Import from Json File
Use the following commands to import json objects from a file:
mongoimport -h localhost:3001 -d meteor -c fairs --type json --jsonArray --file demo.json
Or if your mongod is running on localhost, use the following line to import (no need to create the target database and collection before import):
mongoimport -d meteor -c fairs --type json --file first31.json --jsonArray
This is a sample of the imported json file:
{ name: "Widget 1",
desc: "This is Widget 1"
{ name: "Widget 2",
desc: "This is Widget 2"
If the "--jsonArray" option is omitted, the json file have to keep each object in one line, like this:
{ name: "Widget 1", desc: "This is Widget 1" }
{ name: "Widget 2", desc: "This is Widget 2" }
See mongoimport --help
for details.