I need to format some texts copied from a PDF file:
a ab abc cd e
=> => => => =>
x xy xyz pq p
The target form is:
a => x ab => xy abc => xyz cd => pq e => p
I want to select the whole last section (x...p) in visual block mode, and paste them after the 2nd section (=>). But in visual block mode (triggered by Ctrl-v), I can't select all of last section. Because there's only one character "p" in the last line, so only "x" in the 3rd line (xyz) will be selected. The solution is set "virtualedit" mode to "all" with ":set ve=all". Now the cursor is free to anywhere no matter if there's a character. After the joining, we have to remove all trailing spaces. So the overall process is:
:set ve=all