Install Pathogen
Download pathogen.vim to ~/.vim/autoload;
Add following lines to ~/.vimrc:
syntax on set et execute pathogen#infect() call pathogen#helptags() filetype on
mkdir ~/.vim/bundle
Install Plugin
Unzip the archive file of the plugin under ~/.vim/bundle like this (NerdTree Plugin in this case):
-- nerdtree
|-- doc
| |-- NERD_tree.txt
-- tags
|-- nerdtree_plugin
| |-- exec_menuitem.vim
| -- fs_menu.vim
|-- plugin
-- NERD_tree.vim
-- syntax
-- nerdtree.vim
Now you can use :NERDTree in vi (you can use :N
Uninstall Plugin
Just remove plugin directory under ~/.vim/bundle.
Disable a plugin temporarily
Add a tilde ("~") at the end of the directory name of the bundle. For example: "vimerl-1.4.1" to "vimerl-1.4.1~".
Ref: Line 129 in ~/.vim/autoload/pathogen.vim (or
List all loaded scripts
:scriptnames (:scrip for short).