p534: "These two" in the last paragraph refers to "Connectivity" & "Single-source paths" in this page.
Chapter Structure
4.1 Undirected Graph 518 Glossary 519 Undircted graph data type 522 Representation alternatives 524 Adjacency-lists data structure 525 Design pattern for graph processing 528 Depth-first search 530 Searching in a maze 530 Warmup 531 One-way passages 532 Detailed trace of depth-first search 533 Finding paths 535 Implementation 535 Detailed trace 537 Breadth-first search 538 Implementation 538 Connected components 543 Implementation 543 Union-find 546 Symbol graphs 548 Implementation 551 Degree of seperation 553 Summary 556
4.2 Directed Graphs 566 Digraph data type 568 Reachability in digraphs 570 Cycles and DAGs 574 Strong connectivity in digraphs 584 Summary 594