John Hughes: Why Functional Programming Matters
The key points of a programming language is its modularization capability: it can divide a big problem into some smaller sub-problems; then glue them together. "Modularity is the key to successful programming. Languages that aim to improve productivity must support modular programming well."
FP language has 2 ways to glue sub-problems together:
High-order functions: the functions using other functions as its parameter(s);
Lazy evaluation: the generator-selector model;
Analysis of "4.1 Newton-Raphson Square Roots"
Convert the functions of Newton-Raphson algorithm in this paper into Clojure functions:
next n x = (x + n/x)/2 => #(/ (+ % (/ n %)) 2)
repeat (next n) a0 => (iterate #(/ (+ % (/ n %)) 2) a0)
So the 8th iteration in decimal is:
(double (nth (iterate #(/ (+ % (/ n %)) 2) a0) 8))
Here the point is the function "iterate" returns a lazy sequence, which is to say, if you evaluate "(iterate inc 5)" in clojure repl, you got a infinite list (you have to press Ctrl-c to interrupt the output). You use "nth" to get the nth element in this list without worrying about your memory space.