Buffer Switch
CtrlP: C-p, C-n
Command Palette
Vim-CtrlP-CmdPalette: -
File Tree
Nerdtree: TAB
Undo history
Toggle Maximize pane
Interactive linter/fixer in editor
flake8 + yapf + ALE
First install linter flake8 and fixer yapf:
conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda search flake8
conda search yapf
conda acitvate <my-env>
conda install flake8
conda install yapf
Then integrate these tools with w0rp/ale by adding the following lines into $MYVIMRC:
let g:ale_enabled = 1
let b:ale_linters = {'python': ['flake8']}
let b:ale_fixers = {'python': ['yapf']}
Plug 'w0rp/ale'
Or disable ALE by default through setting g:ale_enabled
to 0.
Auto completion & Goto-Definition
jedi + deoplete-jedi + jedi-vim
For example, to analyze Mario-Level-1:
First install jedi-vim and deoplete-jedi or neovim, then run:
git clone https://github.com/justinmeister/Mario-Level-1.git
cd Mario-Level-1
python -m venv envs
. activate envs/bin/activate
pip install pygame ipython pynvim jedi
vi data/main.py
Now move the cursor to c.TIMEOUT
and press <leader>d
(which is ,d
for my nvim), it will jump to TIMEOUT
in file data/constants.py.
If it doesn't work, try to modify g:python3_host_prog
in .vimrc to the python
in the virtualenv.
Or try 'deoplete-plugins/deoplete-jedi'
Type checker
Type check is only for Python 3.5+ and optional.
Install mypy
with conda install -c anaconda-platform mypy
See dsnote Typing System in Python 3 for details.
Code snippet management
See dsnote Vim Snippet Plugins for details.
Smart code completion and other tools
'python-mode/python-mode' provides auto-completion specific for Python, and check the code style with PEP8 and syntax with PyFlakes (via pylama), such as unassigned variables, incomplete statements, etc.
However it use rope to complete words, while rope doesn't support Python 3 by now. So I choose supertab to replace rope. super-tab search words in all the project files, which is very practical and smart.
Add the following lines into ~/.vimrc and install with Vundle:
let g:pymode_lint_on_fly = 0
let g:pymode_breakpoint = 1
let g:pymode_breakpoint_bind = '<leader>b'
let g:pymode_folding = 0
cabbrev af PymodeLintAuto<CR>
Plugin 'python-mode/python-mode'
Plugin 'ervandew/supertab'
Now you can:
Auto lint and syntax check after saving file;
Auto format codes according to PEP8 with
; -
Run current buffer with
; -
Show doc of the current word with
See :h pymode-features
for details.
python-mode now (2018.1.17) uses git submodules to organize codes, which Vundle can handle automatically for you.
python-mode seems conflict with jedi-vim according to jedi-vim doc. So remove jedi-vim after installing python-mode.
Ignore Specific Lint Errors and Warnings
The problem is describe in "PEP8 – import not at top of file with sys.path" in SO (stackoverflow.com).
Option 1: ignore in your editor:
Add let g:pymode_lint_ignore = ["E501", "W",]
into ~/.vimrc to ignore E501
and all warnings when linting the Python source files.
Search ignore
in :h pymode
for more details.
Option 2: ignore for specific line:
Add # nopep8
or # noqa
at the end of the line where raise the error.
Ref: "How to disable a pep8 error in a specific file?" in SO.
Go to Definitions
I want to get tags for whole project without opening all files one by one. But xolox/vim-easytags and majutsushi/tagbar can only create tags for the opening file. So I choose to build the tag file manually with ctags.
First install ctags with sudo apt install exuberant-ctags
The default tag file name is tags
, I prefer the name .tags
So in $MYVIMRC, add set tags=.tags;
Notice the semicolon at the end, it will make vim search for .tags
in parent folder of each level until it find one.
Without it, you can only use tags when the working directory of the editor
is the project root.
In the root folder of the Python project, run ctags -R -f .tags .
Add .tags
in file .gitignore.
Now you can use Ctrl-] to go to function definition, and Ctrl-o to jump back.
Note: you can config ctags in file ~/.ctags:
according to ‘Go to Definition’ in Vim for Python using Ctags, Done Right.
Find and Replace
Using plugin brooth/far.vim, find the word under cursor with
:F Ctrl-r Ctrl-w **/*.py
. Here Ctrl-r Ctrl-w
is the key shortcut for getting
the word under cursor in command line mode.
In command line mode (start with pressing :
in normal mode),
using Ctrl-r %
to get the current file name;
Ctrl-r /
to get the last search pattern, etc.
See details of key shortcuts in command line mode with :h c_CTRL-R
Origin post in 2017:
前提:vim有 python 标志:vim --version|ag python
安装 vim-cellmode 插件,在.vimrc中加入:
" vimux cellmode
let g:cellmode_tmux_panenumber='2'
let g:cellmode_default_mappings='0'
vnoremap <silent> <leader>v :call RunTmuxPythonChunk()<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <leader>l :call RunTmuxPythonLine()<CR>
noremap <silent> <leader>nc :call RunTmuxPythonCell(0)<CR>
noremap <silent> <leader>c :call RunTmuxPythonCell(1)<CR>
noremap <silent> <leader>ut :call RunTmuxPythonAllCellsAbove()<CR>
Plugin 'benmills/vimux'
Plugin 'julienr/vim-cellmode'
关于vimscript的语法,例如function! MyFunc() range
参考 :h :function
* 安装jedi:pip install --user jedi
* vim有 conceal 标志:vim --version|ag conceal
安装 jedi-vim 插件:
在.vimrc中加入Plugin 'davidhalter/jedi-vim'