pytest is much flexible than unittest.
Install it with conda install -c anaconda pytest
In any Python file whose name matches test_*.py
or *
any test_
prefixed test functions or methods outside of class,
or test_
prefixed test functions or methods inside Test
prefixed test
classes (without an init method), will be collected as a test case
and run by pytest.
See Conventions for Python test discovery for details.
Here is a minimal demo:
$ cat << EOF >
def func(x):
return x + 1
def test_answer():
assert func(3) == 4
$ python -m pytest
$ python -m pytest -k demo
$ python -m pytest
So run one or a group pytest testcase(s) with:
python -m pytest
python -m pytest
python -m pytest -k 'the_keyword'
The keyword method (the last item of above list) is especially effective. The keyword can be part of the module name, test function or test class name.
Debuging a test
Go into debugger pdb when a exception raised by adding option --pdb
pytest --pdb
Starting the debugging process in the beginning with option --trace
For example: pytest -k 'the_keyword' --trace
Now you're in a pdb shell. Use b
to add breakpoint,
or c
to proceed, and display
to add variable watch.
IPython Integration
使用 pytest 结合 IPython console 写测试用例比 unittest 方便,
unittest 使用的是类架构,变量要写成 self.var1
,放到 IPython 里需要改成 var1
从 IPython 里转到测试用例里时,又要为所有变量加上 self.
而 pytest 可以写函数,避免了这个问题。
从 pytest 文件中提取代码到 IPython console 中,避开函数声明即可:
load -r10:18,20
Print to console
By default pytest captures the std.err.
So writing print()
in a pytest funcation, you can't see the output in the console.
pytest can disable this feature by add the -s
option: pytest -s
How can I see normal print output created during pytest run?
Setup vs Fixture
pytest uses fixtures instead of traditional setup/teardown style.
A fixture is a function with arbitrary name returns a object. The test function uses this fixture as parameter, and get data from it.