030后面的数字是嵌套层次,用end可以跳到上一级。 irb(main):030:2> end
- Ruby语言模型(引自"3.2 The Ruby Universe" of Brian Marick: "Everyday Scripting with Ruby"):
When you run the inventory.rb script, you create a little Ruby universe. That universe, in essence, contains only three kinds of things: nouns, verbs, and names. The nouns are usually called objects. They are the “things” in the Ruby universe. Objects just sit there until they’re told to do something. That’s where the verbs come in. All the verbs in the Ruby universe are imperative: verbs like “sit!” and “stay!” and “roll over!” In Ruby, these verbs are called messages, and telling an object to do some-thing is called sending a message.