I created a vimrc repository at bitbucket.org.
When the .vimrc file changes, verify it locally(see note 1), then synchronize it manually(see note 2). Then commit the code changes online.
When synchronizing .vimrc at other host, download .vimrc with
git clone https://leechau@bitbucket.org/leechau/vimrc.git
and overwrite the original one.
Note 1: how to verify .vimrc fast:
Open two terminal window, open .vimrc in the first window, and open a normal file in another;
Edit .vimrc, save it;
Reload .vimrc file in the second window with shortcut ",sv", see the result;
Repeat this "edit - save - reload - evaluation" loop until it's ok.
Note 2: synchronize file manually at bitbucket.org
Open https://bitbucket.org/leechau in web browser and login;
Repositories: vimrc -> Source -> .vimrc -> click "Edit" button at upper-right corner of source code panel;