Everytime I want to get the meaning of a english word, I have to copy the word, open dict.cn, paste the word into the box and get the meaning, which is boring. Here we demonstrate with the word "spoiler".
Right click in Chrome's address bar, and select "Edit search engines".
Find "dict.cn", set its title to "dict.cn" (in the 1st column),
set the shortcut name to "dc" (the 2nd column, whose origin value is "dict.cn"),
remain the command as http://dict.cn/%s
(in the 3rd column).
Now input "dc" in address bar and press Space key, the address bar title is now "Search Dict.CN", and input "spoiler".
BTW: With the same method, define Google with shortcut "gg" and command "https://www.google.com/search?q=%s", and press "Make default". Now input a word in address bar and press Enter, you will get the search result from Google.
Translate Shell
Install Translate Shell:
gawk --version # should above 4.0
wget git.io/trans -O ~/.local/bin/trans
chmod 755 ~/.local/bin/trans
trans -V # print versions
trans -H # print help message
trans :zh muse # translate with default engine: google
trans -S # list translation engines
trans -e bing :zh muse # search with MS Bing
trans -T # list available languages
trans -U # upgrade this program
trans -I # shell mode, useful when reading a paper
Using Configuration to change its default behavior:
cat << EOF > ~/.config/translate-shell/init.trans
:verbose true
:hl "en"
:tl "zh"
Now trans muse
equals to 'trans :zh muse'.
If you want using the brief mode as the default behavior (trans -b :zh muse
change :verbose
in 'init.trans' to false
Install ici
with sudo pip install ici
, run it with ici spoiler
While there're some google translate extensions of firefox, but they are slow and not very complete. For example: the word meaning of "spoiler" in "This synopsis may contain spoilers." on page Synopsis for Memento. So I have to build my own translate extension based on dict.cn.
Install Greasemonkey extension in Firefox.
Build a new script with the following codes.
Select some text and press "\" key.
// ==UserScript== // @name TranslateIt // @namespace LeoScript // @include * // @version 1 // @grant none // ==/UserScript==
// document.addEventListener('mouseup', getSel, false); document.addEventListener('keypress', transIt, false);
function transIt(e) { // console.log(e.key); if (e.key !== '\'){ return; } var sel = document.getSelection().toString(); if (sel) { window.open('http://dict.cn/' + sel); } }
Sometimes the popuped windows will be blocked by the browser. Add the website into the whitelist of the blocked sites.
To debug the script, modify and save the script, reload the web page, and test the script.
Greasemonkey Tutorial for Beginners
Get selected text:
greasemonkey: addEventListener questions
HTML DOM addEventListener() Method
Test if ctrl or alt key is pressed on clicking:
JavaScript: Check if CTRL button was pressed
search 'altKey' in HTML DOM Events
Open a URL in a new tab using JavaScript