Install mypy
with conda install -c anaconda-platform mypy
vim plugin 'w0rp/ale' (asynchronous lint engine, which embed mypy
into vim)
and 'python-mode/python-mode' (see dsnot Python IDE based on vim).
The following codes demonstrates how mypy
find typing incompatibility
before running the code:
$ cat << EOF >
from typing import Iterable
def mean(items: Iterable) -> float:
return sum(items) / len(items)
$ mypy error: Argument 1 to "len" has incompatible type Iterable[Any]; expected "Sized"
Another example based on codes in chapter 10 of "Functional Python Programming", 2nd edition by Steve Lott:
Save the following codes into
from typing import (Callable, Iterable, Any, TypeVar, Dict, Iterator,
List, Tuple, cast)
from functools import reduce
from operator import add
from collections import defaultdict
from itertools import groupby
T = TypeVar('T')
def map_reduce(mapf: Callable, reducef: Callable, source: Iterable) -> Any:
return reduce(reducef, map(mapf, source))
def mr2(mapf: Callable[[T], T], reducef: Callable[[T, T], T],
source: Iterable[T]) -> T:
return reduce(reducef, map(mapf, source))
data = [1, 2, 3, 5]
res = map_reduce(lambda x: x * 10, add, data)
res = mr2(lambda x: x * 10, add, data)
K = str # means "key"
D = Tuple[K, float]
inp: List[D] = [
('4', 6.1), ('1', 4.0), ('2', 8.3), ('2', 6.5), ('1', 4.6),
('2', 6.8), ('3', 9.3), ('2', 7.8), ('2', 9.2), ('4', 5.6),
('3', 10.5), ('1', 5.8), ('4', 3.8), ('3', 8.1), ('3', 8.0),
('1', 6.9), ('3', 6.9), ('4', 6.2), ('1', 5.4), ('4', 5.8)]
def partition(source: Iterable[D],
key: Callable[[D], K] = lambda x: cast(K, x)
) -> Iterable[Tuple[K, List[float]]]:
pd: Dict[K, List[float]] = defaultdict(list)
for item in source:
for k in sorted(pd):
yield k, pd[k]
for key, group_iter in partition(inp, key=lambda x: x[0]):
print(key, list(group_iter))
def partition_s(source: Iterable[D],
key: Callable[[D], K] = lambda x: cast(K, x)
) -> Iterable[Tuple[K, Iterator[D]]]:
return groupby(sorted(source, key=key), key)
res = partition_s(inp, key=lambda x: x[0])
for key, groupIter in partition_s(inp, key=lambda x: x[0]):
print(key, list(groupIter))
If you change T = TypeVar('T')
to T = str
, there will be
an 'incompatible type ...error marked on function
The following codes shows the function of typing.cast
>>> from typing import cast
>>> cast(float, 3)
>>> type(cast(float, 3))
It returns the argument (here it's 3) itself.
And tell the type checker "I am a float variable".
While at runtime the Python interpreter will simply ignore
the cast
function and treat 3 as an integer.