Windows 10 Virtual Desktop Enhancer
sdias/win-10-virtual-desktop-enhancer on github is written in autohotkey. No need to install, which is more light-weighted than VirtuaWin.
It's configurations are all in settings.ini, easy to edit, view and save.
Its taskbar icon is a digital number, which is clear to see as VirtuaWin.
To make its shortcuts more i3wm-style, modify its configs as followings:
MoveWindowToDesktop=Alt, Shift
However, it conflicts with tmux configurations.
When you SSH to a remote, open tmux there, and press Alt-2
you can't jump to window no.2 in tmux.
Instead you jump to the virtual desktop no.2.
To fix this, modify the ~/.tmux.conf as follows:
bind -n M-. command-prompt
bind -n M-a select-window -t 1
bind -n M-s select-window -t 2
bind -n M-d select-window -t 3
bind -n M-f select-window -t 4
bind -n M-g select-window -t 5
bind -n M-u select-window -t 6
bind -n M-i select-window -t 7
bind -n M-o select-window -t 8
bind -n M-9 select-window -t 9
Note: m0ngr31/VirtualDesktopManager on github is another option. But its taskbar icon is very hard to see.
VirtuaWin is incompatible with Windows built-in virtual desktop.
Desktop layout in Settings of 3 columns and 2 rows (2 wide by 2 deep).
Hotkey definitions:
NAV Move to desktop 1: alt-win-u
NAV Move to desktop 2: alt-win-i
NAV Move to desktop 3: alt-win-o
NAV Move to desktop 4: alt-win-j
NAV Move to desktop 5: alt-win-k
NAV Move to desktop 6: alt-win-l
WIN Move to desktop 1: alt-shift-win-u
WIN Move to desktop 2: alt-shift-win-i
WIN Move to desktop 3: alt-shift-win-o
WIN Move to desktop 4: alt-shift-win-j
WIN Move to desktop 5: alt-shift-win-k
WIN Move to desktop 6: alt-shift-win-l
WIN Gather all windows: alt-win-h
UI Open VirtuaWin setup: alt-win-p
(abbr. for navigate) means jump to.
(abbr. for window) means move the activated window to.
Gather all windows means moving windows in all desttops to current desktop.
Verified on Windows 10 at 2018.2.13.
Dexpot is another freeware like this.